Human Resources


Aksa Energy embraces an approach best summarized as “our most valuable asset is our human resources,” which serves as the cornerstone of its Human Resources Policy.

The mission of human resources is to support all of the Company’s management staff and personnel; to ensure the continuity of a creative, dynamic, highly motivated, effective, and efficient corporate team; and to establish human resources systems in coordination with the related units. Aksa Energy provides its employees with every kind of opportunity for career development. A range of training opportunities are provided to all staff members in order to meet their career and personal development needs; fulfill occupational requirements occurring over time; and achieve the Company’s targets and strategies. Training sessions are conducted to develop the technical, occupational knowledge and personal skills required for individuals to perform efficiently and effectively in their respective roles and departments.

Aksa Energy understands that it will reach its ambitious targets by attracting and retaining the most qualified human capital; and prioritizes employing well educated, talented and successful individuals. In terms of employment, Aksa Energy evaluates not only its current needs for personnel vacancies, but also its long term objectives.

As a rule, personnel needs are primarily met internally from the Company’s current workforce. To fill vacancies that cannot be met internally, via promotion or transfer, Aksa Energy uses external resources to facilitate new staff recruitment. The Human Resources Policy, which includes the Company’s recruitment criteria, is publicly disclosed on corporate website ( human-resources) under the heading “Human Resources.” The Board of Directors takes an active role in developing a succession plan for key management positions.

Aksa Energy embraces the fairness principle, which is implemented in all rights provided to employees. Department managers are responsible for informing staff members of all decisions or developments that concern them via email.

Job definitions of the Company’s employees are detailed in written form in compliance with the ISO 9001 standard on Quality Management Systems. Staff salaries and other benefits are determined on the basis of performance and efficiency. The Company has no plans to initiate stock plan for its personnel for the time being.

Aksa Energy has not appointed a representative to exclusively conduct employee relations. The Company manages employee relationships via Human Resources Department, which is staffed by human resource professionals who have specific responsibilities within this functional area. In addition, Human Resources Department is to be consulted by employees in case of a conflict with management. Staff members are duly informed of the Department’s role in this regard. The Company takes all precautions to prevent any discrimination on the basis of race, religion, language or gender as well as any attitudes towards employees that could physically, mentally or emotionally affect employees. No complaint was submitted by employees with respect to discrimination on the basis of race, religion, language or gender either in 2021, or prior.

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